Anya’s background is in graphic design and web design, which allows her to express herself creatively. However, to Anya, commercial design doesn’t quite compare to fine art. The degree of joy and excitement she feels from painting cannot be matched by any other activity.  To Anya, there is something special about holding a paint brush, dipping it into a dollop of paint and making her mark on the canvas. It’s a transformative process that allows her to express her emotions through colors and shapes that she finds exhilarating and empowering.

Art for Work began in 2014 as a Bayaud fundraiser allowing local artists living with disabilities to showcase their work to the Denver community. A percentage of all sales from the auction provides job training and employment services for those living with disabilities, thereby directly supporting Bayaud’s mission. Art for Work empowers Bayaud clients to pursue their passion and encourages them to continue on their path toward long-term employment.

The event this year is October 18th