For Immediate Release
January 11, 2019
Contact: Elayna Alexandra
303-830-6885 ex 245

Bayaud Enterprises joins other entities affected by the Government shutdown in taking action

Bayaud Enterprises supports immediate action be taken as we enter day nineteen of the Government shut down.  Over 2000 people with disabilities in the Source America Network for the AbilityOne program are impacted, and that number is growing daily. (

Lack of employment and compensation is creating an inability for workers, vulnerable individuals and families to meet their basic needs such as rent, food, and medications.

Bayaud Enterprises contract locations that are shutdown include NIST, NOAA and the EPA, locally impacting more than thirty employees with significant disabilities.

SourceAmerica® is urging Congress and the White House to end the shutdown and ensure back pay for individuals with disabilities employed through the AbilityOne Program. If you haven’t already, please respond to this action alert asking Congress to ensure AbilityOne contract employees get the back pay they deserve as work continues to reopen the federal government

Please contact your local representative today with a request that we put a stop to the government shutdown today.

For over 50 years Bayaud Enterprises has been an innovator in the community in reducing barriers for individuals to engage in the workforce and community.


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