Product Assembly

Our product assembly service is one of our longest term social enterprises.  Product assembly projects provide paid, on-the-job training opportunities for individuals  experiencing barriers to employment.  Do you need product assembled? Hiring our employees gets the job done while also furthering our mission to alleviate barriers to self-sufficiency.

dental kits

Tooth decay is the number one chronic childhood disease, which is preventable. To increase access to oral health, Bayaud produces and sells dental kits that include adult and children’s toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as floride treatment supplies. Bayaud employs members of an underserved community in temporary jobs paid a living wage to assemble the dental kits.

To order dental kits or for more information, contact us at

Projects we can do for you

Below is a list of past and possible services:

  • Audio/visual recordings
  • Envelope stuffing
  • Hand sanitizer labels
  • Quilt making (1981)
For more information on how we can help your business, contact us at 303-830-6885.