I was 25 when I discovered the lump.  At first it wasn’t easy to diagnose but within 6 weeks I went from being able to jog 3 miles to not being able to walk up my stairs.   That is when I was admitted to the hospital and I was diagnosed with Leukemia.

Suddenly, I become an expert in hospitals, doctors, tests, physical therapy, pharmaceutical drugs, bone marrow transplants, and the complications that arise from medications. I spent a lot of time inside hospitals and in beds, I put together puzzles and played mind games to try to stay sharp, I was determined to not give up.  The sideeffects caused from chemo and a bad reaction to some medications caused nerve damage. I lost my ability to walk. With physical therapy, enormous effort and some braces I slowly began to be able to walk on a limited basis. Now a cancer survivor I needed to find new work.

I was linked up to VocRehab and Bayaud, I was placed into work adjustment at Planned Insurance in 2007 at the direction of Larry, who then owned Planned Insurance. I can remember the half days I started with were exhausting. I was out practice of working and office job and still physically weak. I worked hard and learned the profession.  Through grit and a bit of dark humor to keep myself going I started to succeed I was hired and had a new job that wasn’t fighting cancer. When Larry wanted to sell I purchased the business and becoming a business owner and renaming Planned Insurance, Planet Insurance. From the small beginning of work adjustment, I found my new career and independence.

From the very beginning Josh wouldn’t give up, his tenacity, humor, and intellect kept him fighting and in the end with some help Josh has found a successful career path that provides him self-reliance.

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