Olander Cohosts Tatter Cover Event

Olander Cohosts Tatter Cover Open Mic In July, John Olander, Bayaud employee (and former constituent) cohosted Tattered Cover Bookstore’s The Open Mic Night at its Colfax location. Olander came to Bayaud Enterprises to maintain compliance with his sobriety program. Olander grew up in Denver’s Park Hill community in the 60s and 70s and in later […]

Hiring Unhoused To Clean Up Parks

Here’s how you can help those in need in Colorado Hiring unhoused people to clean up parks  Colorado Sun, Tamara Chuang: 3:47 AM MDT on Jul 25, 2023 To read the article in its entirety click on the link here. When city budgets got slashed during the pandemic, Denver’s Department of Parks and Recreation felt […]

When most people are growing careers, I had cancer

I was 25 when I discovered the lump.  At first it wasn’t easy to diagnose but within 6 weeks I went from being able to jog 3 miles to not being able to walk up my stairs.   That is when I was admitted to the hospital and I was diagnosed with Leukemia. Suddenly, I become […]

Bayaud Enterprises joins other entities affected by the Government shutdown in taking action

For Immediate Release January 11, 2019 Contact: Elayna Alexandra 303-830-6885 ex 245 Elayna.Alexandra@BayaudEnterprises.org Bayaud Enterprises joins other entities affected by the Government shutdown in taking action Bayaud Enterprises supports immediate action be taken as we enter day nineteen of the Government shut down.  Over 2000 people with disabilities in the Source America Network for the […]

We Say Goodbye to Two Incredible People

Picture of smiling employees sitting at a table

Thank you to both George Arguello and Mary Page for the years of dedication, hard work, flexibility and fresh ideas over the many years of service. George Arguello George Arguello arrived at Bayaud in 1987 as a breath of fresh air, which we may or may not have been ready for!  He had a great […]

Artist Spotlight: Anya McManis

Artwork piece by Anya McManis

Anya’s background is in graphic design and web design, which allows her to express herself creatively. However, to Anya, commercial design doesn’t quite compare to fine art. The degree of joy and excitement she feels from painting cannot be matched by any other activity.  To Anya, there is something special about holding a paint brush, dipping […]

Paddle Boarding Adventure

Picture of paddle boarders

On Saturday, August, 25th at Chatfield Reservoir, Bayaud Enterprises’ Laundry Truck team joined the Denver Tech Center Rotary Club (who helped fund the second laundry truck) for a relay race of epic proportions!  The Paddle Festival Fundraiser helps raise funds for the international projects that the Denver Tech Center Rotary Club supports. The Laundry Truck […]